Friday, July 17, 2009

Polka Dotted Cake - Decision Time!

So after getting all of your wonderful feedback and opinions on our polka dotted cake options (thank you, ladies!!), I had a meeting with our cake baker. I showed her some of the same pictures that I showed all of you and told her what I liked about each one. Like some of you suggested, she thought that it would be best to create an amalgamation of all of the things that I like about the cakes I've seen and make it into a unique Mr. and Mrs. Star cake!

Please excuse my TERRIBLE drawing skills, but this was the only way I could think of to give you a good visual of what we came up with. If our actual cake isn't 100 times prettier than this drawing, I'll be shocked.

Like I said, please don't judge. 

We decided on doing the bottom and top tier as white frosting with black polka dots and the middle tier as black frosting with white polka dots. This serves two functions: one, I get some visual interest by having the middle tier be different (a la the green polka dot and striped cake I showed you!) and we also don't have an entirely black cake, which didn't sound appetizing to me. We are also planning on having the polka dots be differing sizes: some larger and some smaller, also to help give it some visual interest. Our baker will also be making two oversized fondant bows and attaching one to the corner of the top tier and one to the opposite corner of the bottom tier. The way she drew it was much cuter, believe me, but her drawing was on lined paper and didn't have colors! This lets us incorporate both the bows (which a lot of you loved) and a little bit of our purple. We'll also have our adorable cake topper on top, which I have yet to show you (but I will soon!). What do you think?

Did you have your cake baker make a replica of a beautiful inspiration photo you found or did you make a "frankencake" like I did?

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