Sunday, September 6, 2009

Movin' on up!

Sorry to have been a little les active around the hive for the past week or so! Mr. Star and I have been moving apartments and it has taken quite the toll on us, especially with just over a month until the wedding! I definitely lifted some things on moving day that I shouldn’t have (like one end of the air conditioner and some large IKEA pieces) and totally pulled something in my back, too!
I had intended to move in the spring of next year, once wedding fever had died down and things were less crazy, but we have been having a dispute with our landlord over some serious maintenance issues (don’t get me started on how long we’ve been forced to sleep on the couch because of it) and we got him to agree to let us out of the lease before things escalated.
Lucky for us, we got a seriously spiffy new place! We’ve moved from a fourth-floor walkup with a view of the alley, to this:
And did I mention it has five closets (up from ONE!), level floors, more square footage, an ice maker, and a brand new kitchen and bathroom?? Much as I loved our first place, two out of the four kitchen drawers didn’t open. Period.
Even though it was unintentional, we’ve ended up getting what is pretty much a newlywed home! It’s really exciting to get a new place right as we’re getting married because it feels like even more of a fresh start to a whole new life.
As I’ve been griping about having to move so close to the wedding (hello, stress!), many of the Bees have consoled me with the fact that it would have been much worse to move AFTER the wedding and have to move alllll the wedding gifts and my dress and so on. I see the logic in that argument, especially after how much stuff we accumulated just from my bridal shower. However, we did have to move 8 plastic bins and 6 or 7 big boxes full of centerpieces, ceremony décor, my veils, the mask-favors, and more, so it kind’ve feels like a wash at this point.
What do you think – was it an easier move because it was pre-wedding gifts? Were you already living together and did you move right around the time you got married? How did your new married home feel different from your old “dating” home?

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