Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Star-Studded (Love) Affair: Takin' It to the Streets!

I've been so looking forward to sharing these pictures with you all that it took me an extra long time to write this post, so I apologize for the delay! These are some of the most "New York" pictures from our wedding and I adore them, although the Grand Central ones where Mr. Star finally gets to get in on the photo action are fun, too ;)

When I left you, dear readers, my ladies were rockin' the camera lens up on the rooftop deck of our building. I have one more picture that I love to share with you from the roof:

That is one urban bride, right? I love me some country weddings, don't get me wrong, but I am and always will be a city girl at heart.

We hopped on the elevators -- no, we couldn't all fit in one elevator with our voluminous outfits on! -- and headed down to street level to get right in the thick of it all. I was still just so thrilled with the day and being surrounded by my favorite people that I was just walking around with this huge grin on my face. I like this shot because the way it's framed and with all the action in the background, it reminds me of Sex and the City for some strange reason:

I think it showcases my bouquet pretty nicely, too. With some awkward dress floufing (yeah, I just made that word up, what are you gonna do about it, huh?) to get my dress draping on the ground nicely, I positioned myself (well, we all positioned me, really...until that dress got bustled, I wasn't going anywhere fast or alone!) on the corner and started making goofy faces and hitting awkward poses. I don't think Tyra will be calling my anytime soon:

My ladies got in on the action and we got lucky enough to get a cab driving by at just the right moment!

Every time I moved anywhere, it looked like this:

I swear, you could've gone camping under there.

Taxi! Taxi! You'd be surprised how long it takes to get a cab when you're standing on the corner in a wedding dress!

I love this picture because it reminds me of some of the real-life reactions I got from people when I told them I was cabbing it on my wedding day, rather than taking a limo:

Then Momma Star was struck by a brilliant idea for a photo that involved me in the middle of Sixth Avenue in my wedding dress. At first, I thought she was crazy, but after a moment's reflection, I decided to go for it. Believe me, I waited through a whole set of lights just to make sure I was ready to run into the street at the opportune moment:

MOH Star and Fairy Bridesmaid carried my train, I plopped myself in the middle of the street, fought to keep upright against the blustering wind, kicked off my shoe and posed. The result was one of my absolute favorite shots from the day. I was never one of the brides who wanted to be a princess on my wedding day (I was going more for movie star glam!), but I had no problem taking a moment to play Cinderella:

Except for that brief, perfect second in which the stars aligned and John's talent was able to capture the moment, we looked more like this:

Tourists and New Yorkers alike were gathered around by the dozens snapping shots of little old me. I was slightly embarrassed, but mostly just excited to get in a cab and go see my man! At this point, I was so ready to show him how I looked and just hold his hands.

*All photos by John Martin Photography *

The Star Wedding Recaps:

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