Monday, December 21, 2009

A Star-Studded (Love) Affair: The Boys Goof Off (and set up, too!)

While the ladies were mugging it for the camera and playing around in the streets, the boys were hard at work downtown, setting up the minimal ceremony decor that I had painstakingly boxed and labeled and sent with them the night before.

Because we had two venues and not a whole lot of time in either one (in New York, time is money!), our wonderful DOC was busy setting up the bulk of the DIY stuff over at the loft and us girls were busy getting prettified, so the boys were left to set up everything at the theater. Because of this, I left the theater relatively "as-is," which was okay, since we wanted that theater feel anyways. I'll show you pictures so you can see what I'm talking about, but you have to wait through just a couple more posts for that ;)

We loved how edgy and hip the outside of the theater felt, and we didn't mind one bit that it wasn't very "wedding-y."

I didn't notice until I was writing this post how phallic that show poster was...ah, theatre people!

After the frantic decor set up (that remains undocumented), Mr. Star got some help with his primping, too. My Stepmom came to the rescue with some safety pins for a vest that was slightly too big:

My Stepdad (and Officiant!) buttoned his sleeves. Don't they look dapper in black-and-white?

And he even got some help putting on his jacket. Check out that rockin' bout!

He even got a little surprise present that I had stashed away for that afternoon. We had already exchanged gifts officially, but I had one more little something up my sleeve. I'm not sure if the thumbs up is for him being excited to be in his tux or for the gift coming his way!

He really seemed to enjoy the drama mask cufflinks I had made him and shared some smiles with his guys:

But they had their serious moments, too...

Doesn't the mister look so much like his dad, who is on the right?

He looked great in his tux, and very serene and prepared for what was to come.

Everything was set up, they were dressed, and all they had left to do was wait for us ladies to arrive!

Don't they all look great? Especially that guy on the left, he's about to get married! :)

*All photos by John Martin Photography *

The Star Wedding Recaps:

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