Monday, December 7, 2009

A Star-Studded (Love) Affair: The Girls Get Their Hair Done and The Boys Wash The Dog

Our day started bright and early because, even though the wedding didn't start until that evening, we had six girls in a one-bedroom apartment who all needed to get ready and I was determined to not have to rush through anything so that I wouldn't get stressed!

Because I have the most amazing lady friends ever, they volunteered to all get in the shower before me, meaning these fabulous ladies were up, showered, and had their air mattress deflated before I even woke my beauty-slumbering self up.

I didn't have to wake up until around 8 (did I mention how much I love my bridesmaids??) and had time to start the morning off right -- drinking iced coffee and snuggling with my puppy.

As it turns out, Yorkie puppy snuggles are the perfect way to start a wedding day, so everyone took a turn:

I laid out a spread of largely-homemade pastries and yummy breakfast items for my 'maids and anyone else who popped in that morning. I was excited to see how cute it all came out, but mostly thrilled to finally use my three-tiered cake stand that I had gotten as a shower gift (it's okay on the morning of your wedding even if you aren't actually married yet, right?). I think all I ate was a bunch of chocolate donuts.

I have no idea what the boys ate for breakfast, but from the looks of that table, it was nothing healthy.

With that, all the ladies headed off to the salon to meet my mom and little sister and start primping! My sister was very nervous about getting her hair done, as she hates having her hair even combed, so she was munching on a chocolate croissant to calm her nerves:

I let my ladies have total control over their 'do's and was excited to see how each of them turned out. Fairy Bridesmaid was sporting an awesome punk rocker updo:

Someone caught Boston Bridesmaid in her curlers:

But lest you think me a mean bride for sharing pics of my girls in rollers, I saved the most embarrassing photo for last:

Who would have guessed that I would shortly look like this:

With all the grown-up girls primped, it was time for one last little lady to get her hair done:

There were tears and yes, it did take all four of us to successfully finish her hair without any of us getting injured, but she was very pleased with the end result and don't worry, those hair dressers got a niiiice tip ;)

Meanwhile, the boys slept until after ten and worked on their one job for that morning: washing the dog.

There's nothing like a slightly damp ringbearer picture to make me giggle.

We were all getting prettier and prettier, which meant we were all getting more and more excited! And our fabulous photographer, John Martin, showed up, which means the pictures get prettier and prettier, too ;)

The Star Wedding Recaps:

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