Monday, June 8, 2009

Passport: Check

Despite my (okay, I'll admit it) nearly constant nagging over the past four or five months, Mr. Star has finally just sent in his passport application. Yay! We're actually going to get to go on our honeymoon together!

I've had a passport for awhile now; I got mine so that my best friend and I could go on a whirlwind tour of France one summer during college. My honey, however, has never left the country aside for one middle school weekend trip to Canada. So our honeymoon is going to blow his mind!

Our honeymoon will be in...wait for it...GREECE! Yes, Greece! We're terribly excited about it. Not only does it go with our general wedding theme of drama, since Greece is the birthplace of theatre, but it's also supposed to have incredible sights and delicious food. Plus, my mom bought me a subscription to Rosetta Stone online for Greek about a month ago, so I've been learning the language and can't wait to use it! Granted, my Greek is still pretty limited, but considering how different it is from English and how quickly the program is teaching me, I'm pretty impressed!

One of the things I have loved most about this whole wedding process is the perfectly legitimate excuses that it has given me to learn completely new skills. I've started learning Greek for the honeymoon. I learned calligraphy to address my envelopes. I learned how to sew a birdcage veil. And the list goes on. I love to learn new things, and since I graduated college, I feel like the excuses to take time out of a crazy life and spend money on the tools to learn crazy, random new skills have diminished. Enter: my wedding!

So, I've ended this post on a completely different note than I started it on, but I am wondering if anyone else out there has loved learning new wedding skills! What have YOU learned?

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