Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Star-Studded Cotton Anniversary

It almost doesn't seem real that it's been two whole years since I donned the most beautiful dress of my life:

Married the man who stole my heart:

Made 80 of my favorite people in the world ride on the subway with us:

Proceeded to dance 'til we dropped:

Spent a lot of time canoodling in Grand Central Station:

Had the most bangin' weekend of my life with my friends and family:

And took this epic trip with my brand new husband:

Last year, we celebrated our Paper Anniversary with an overnight trip to a swanky B&B, complete with defrosted wedding cake and paper-themed gifts (I gave him a hand cut paper silhouette made from one of our wedding pictures, complete with our pups added in; he gave me an ad in one of the big New York newspapers that featured a picture of us and a declaration of his love).

This year, we'll be celebrating at a fancy restaurant downtown with cotton-themed gifts (looking forward to giving him his and seeing what his creativity came up with this year!) and cupcakes from the bakery that made our wedding cake (shh...it's a surprise!).

One of the things that continues to surprise me about marriage is how much more deeply we love each other with the passing days. It sounds like a lame cliche, but I promise that it's every bit as true as you're hoping it is. Engagement was exciting, fun, and new, but marriage is warm, secure, and contented. We've had some rocky times in our lives, and we've had some fabulous ones, but the thing that has been constant is our unmoving partnership. And that feeling is one of the best in the world.

Happy Cotton Anniversary, Mr. Star. Looking forward to next year's Leather Anniversary (sorry, couldn't resist, friends!) :)

If you're new to the Star story, head on over to my Snapshot Sunday post for a good place to get started. And if you really miss me, remember I'm never further than a tweet away

*Photos courtesy of John Martin Photography*

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