Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Dance Frenzy

So, up until a few weeks ago, if you'd asked me or Mr. Star what our first dance was, we would have each answered quickly and confidently, "Everything by Lifehouse." It's been one of "our songs" for nearly as long as we've been dating and has a very special place in our hearts. It was actually one of the very first wedding decisions we made! We didn't even really have to discuss it, it was just a given. Lifehouse has always been a band that had a lot of meaning for us, since we used to take naps (hey, naps are obligatory to graduate college) listening to their music and we saw them live on our first anniversary -- I even caught the bassist's pick!

For those of you who don't know the song, since it isn't one of their most popular, here it is:

Then, a couple of weeks ago, Mr. Star and I were working on the rest of our reception music so that we could give a list of ideas to our friend who is also a professional DJ and will be our music friendor. Basically, we scrolled through both of our extensive music collections in iTunes and tried to fill in all the blanks for things such as "cake cutting music" or "entrance music," things I would have never dreamed of caring about until we started planning this whole shindig (doesn't that sound familiar?). 

All of a sudden "Time of My Life" from the movie Dirty Dancing came on. 

What a fun tune, right? We were trying and trying to figure out where to fit this awesome song into our playlist when Mr. Star turned to me and said, "what if we did a choreographed dance to this song?" We had been planning on having our extraordinarily talented chorepgrapher friend teach us a little something so that we could slow dance with style to "Everything," but how much more fun would an upbeat song be? We went back and forth for a few minutes because Lifehouse means so much to us, but decided in the end that "Time of My Life" would make such a great statement as the kick-off to our totally fun party. So the decision was made. Our awesome friend Whitney has been teaching us how to rumba and cha-cha and now we're totally looking forward to the fun we're going to have during our first dance. And it's all good, because I'm still walking down the aisle to a different Lifehouse tune. More on that later ;)

I thought our first dance song was the easiest wedding decision we made, but then we had to go a-changin' things up! Was your first dance song an easy pick?

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