Monday, March 8, 2010

A Star-Studded (Love) Affair: Gratuitous Detail Shots

I hate to say it, folks, but we're nearing the end of the Star recaps. I know, I'm sad about it, too. I have a couple more picture-heavy posts to share with you and then a few posts about our name change decision (it's cool!), what I would do diferently, and some other wrap-ups, but I'm just about out of things to say as far as our wedding goes. Hence why the recaps are slowing down. I'm dragging my feet finished them because I don't want to be done 'round these parts! :)

I would like to share a little round-up of some of our wedding details, though, because I worked terribly hard on them and so I think they deserve their own little moment in the spotlight. Because we didn't want to spring for a second-shooter and we kept our photographer pretty busy throughout the day, I've included some non-pro pictures in here, but I hope you won't mind.

That said, one piece of advice that my DOC gave me was to arrange a little pile of things that I wanted photographed by a professional and have them laid out that morning for him. It was great advice, as he was able to just grab some pretty shots of a few things that would've been otherwise undocumented.

For instance, our invitations:

I know you already saw them way-back-when, but I love that they got a little pro pic of their own!

Our programs:

And the inside:

Major thanks to the Walker Family for helping me and Momma Star assemble these three weeks before the wedding. I'm not sure we would have had programs if it weren't for their help!

And we can't forget the lovely rehearsal bouquet that Fairy Bridesmaid made for me from my bridal shower ribbons:

Isn't it awesome how the ribbons matched our wedding color scheme? Yeah, I have awesome friends and family.

Compare that to my gorgeous wedding bouquet:

My favorite part of my bouquet was a tie between the fiddlehead ferns and the anemones with black centers, AKA polka dotted flowers :)

The boutonnieres that I made with love:

Our ceremony "props" were wine, chocolate, and printed copies of the readings, our vows, and the script for my stepdad.

I also made a suprise gift for Mr. Star to wear -- drama mask cufflinks! He loved them.

(personal photo)

Over at the reception, a very fuzzy shot of our Empire State Building card box next to a bridesmaid bouquet doing double duty as reception decor:

(personal photo taken by a friend, please excuse the quality)

These bouquet holders really helped me use our flower power to the max!

I love the way this shot shows our reception decor hard at work during cocktail hour -- we were still playing photo shoot over at Grand Central!

(personal photo taken by a friend)

Our videographer was kind enough to grab a table shot before the candles burned down. 

(Photo by Skyler Miolla)

You can see our table numbers, menus titled "Eat Your Heart Out, Hollywood!", beautiful purple chair sashes, purple candy, and our mask favors hard at work up there. 

Notice the plastic cups, as well? That was our one wedding day snafu. One of the hard parts about having your reception in a loft is that you usually have to bring absolutely everything in. We rented everything in that place, down to the forks and knives. 

Well, the one big Star wedding day snafu happened because of the rental company, who forgot to bring the drinking glasses we ordered. And because I hadn't given my DOC a list of exactly what the rental company was responsible for versus what the caterer was bringing, she didn't know the glasses were missing until it was too late to do anything but grab plastic cups.

On that day, I was so head-over-heels happy that it didn't even bother me. Looking back, it is the one "what if I had...?" that tortures me. I don't like looking at the pictures with plastic cups in them (for real, right?), but we had such a fabulously incredible day and if the one big thing that went wrong was our guests didn't get glass drinking glasses, I guess I did pretty well, huh? At least it makes for some goofy pictures. Don't worry, you'll see :)

There. That was my big, dark wedding confession. Moving on.

Don't our mask favors look lovely at the place settings?

(Photo by Skyler Miolla)

And check out that purple rock and stick candy that I picked up at an old country store a few months before the wedding to dress up the tables. Of course, I had to paint polka dots on the vases for fun!

(personal photo taken by me)

And lastly (for now), check out our "guest book" wishing tree:

This picture was taken before the wedding at our apartment, but picture it covered in tags filled with happy messages from our loved ones!

(personal photo, taken by me)

I'm very proud of how our details came together, minus the plastic cup shenanigans. All I can say is I'm very glad we had a DOC so I didn't have to flip out about finding plastic cups half an hour before cocktail hour!

Engaged ladies -- what's your favorite wedding detail so far? Married ladies -- what wedding day detail haunts your dreams like my plastic cups?

*All photos by John Martin Photography, except where noted*

The Star Wedding Recaps:

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