Friday, September 11, 2009

Internet-less Wedding Planning

Alright, I admit it. I have NO IDEA how they did it in the old days.

Wedding planning, that is.

Maybe it's just because I'm young enough to only barely remember the days when I was forced to look things up in the phone book and the encyclopedia, but I cannot imagine how much harder it must have been to plan a wedding before there was the internet.

Because of our move, I have been internet-less for precisely 11 days and it has been k-i-l-l-i-n-g me.

We are just under a month out from our wedding, and I feel like I haven't been able to get anything done in two weeks! I have had vendor emails go unanswered for several days (wow, I need to have more of their phone numbers handy!), I haven't been able to google things like "where to rent a projector and screen in NYC" and I couldn't copy and paste the text of our chosen readings off of a website and into the ceremony document I was creating.

I had no idea how hard it would be to try to wrap up wedding planning without computer access for a few days until I was forced into it, which got me thinking about how one might go about planning a wedding if there were no such thing as an internet. Wait, people planned weddings before Weddingbee??

Maybe I sound like a spoiled Generation Y-er, but I don't think I'm alone on this one! What would change about your wedding planning if you couldn't use the internet?

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